But most realize that the character "Santa Claus" is really a fictional character presented in a light-hearted way for the enjoyment of children. 但是大部分人意识到圣诞老人这个人物确实是虚构的角色,一个以轻松自在的方式给孩子们带来乐趣的角色。
A fictional character in Dostoevsky's novel` Crime and Punishment '; he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds of good or evil. 陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说《罪与罚》中的人物;他杀死老太太,因为他认为自己超越善恶。
It could be a relative, a mentor, your inner child, or a historic or fictional character. 这个人可以是一位亲戚、导师、内心的童心、或历史或编造的人物。
The famous images are composed of the image of a celebrity or a wellknown fictional character. 知名形象包括知名的真实人物形象和虚构角色形象。
Or deducts the brand through the fictional character to narrate, the transmission brand idea and the value orientation, win the goal audiences approval; 或者通过虚构人物演绎品牌叙事,传达品牌理念与价值取向,赢得目标受众的认同;
The fictional character Walter Mitty created a better life for himself by engulfing himself in his dreams. 虚构特性华尔特·米蒂由在他的梦吞没他自己为他自己创造了更好的生活。
RVP: A funny head of a fictional character. 一个很搞的头像,虚构的。
A fabricated excuse for his absence; a fancied wrong; a fictional character; used fictitious names; a made-up story. 为他的缺席编造借口;虚构的错误;虚构的人物;用假名;虚构的故事。
Bad Twin is a work of fiction and all names, characters and incidents are used fictitiously; the author himself is a fictional character. 是部虚构作品,所有名字、人物和事件都是杜撰,作者本人也是个虚构的人物。
A preeminent actor can bring a fictional character to life. Study on Acoustic Emission Testing of Structure Based on VI 一个优秀的演员能把虚拟的人物演得有声有色.基于虚拟仪器实现结构声发射检测的研究
Jack Sparrow is a fictional character in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. 杰克船长是电影《加勒比海盗》三部曲中的虚构人物。
Charactonym-a name of a fictional character reflected in his or her personality traits. Charactonym-一个虚构人物的名字反映在他或她的个性特征起名字。
She had created a fictional character with whom millions could subconsciously identify. 她塑造了一个千百万读者能在潜意识上加以认同的虚构人物。
This is an example fictional character creator game. 这是一个虚构的角色创建游戏。
Captain Archibald Haddock is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the series of classic Belgian comic books written and illustrated by Herg é. 阿道克船长是《丁丁历险记》里的人物,《丁丁历险记》是比利时画家埃尔热的著名系列漫画作品。
This is the record of this fictional character bringing us the helplessness of reality. 只是纯粹的记录这虚构的人物带来真实的无奈。
The merchandising of the essential personality features of a real person and of a fictional character has rapidly evolved from a subordinate activity into an important independent source of earning. 真实人物和虚构角色的实质性人格特征的商品化已从辅助性行为演化成为重要的独立的收益来源。
Internet Fictional Character and It's Protection of Intellectual Property 网络虚拟形象及其知识产权保护
One base of the right which protect fictional character is merchandising right. Merchandising right is a general concept, it can be divided two parts according to the subject and character. 对虚拟角色进行保护的一个权利基础是商品化权,而商品化权是一个综合性的概念。
As far as works is concerned, fictional character is an edge question. In recent years, people pay more attention to fictional character with the rapid development of culture. 虚拟角色对于作品来讲是个相对边缘化的问题,近年来随着我国文化产业的迅速发展,越来越受到关注。
In recent years, with the rapid development of entertainment culture industry, fictional character gradually reflects the commercial value which it have contained. 近年来,随着娱乐文化业的迅猛发展,虚拟角色逐渐体现出其所蕴含的商业价值。
The two parts are the publicity right and merchandising right of fictional character, and the object of protecting is real image and fictional character. 根据主体和性质的不同应该分为两部分比较合理,即形象权和虚拟角色商品化权,其保护对象分别对应真实人物形象和虚拟角色。
America has a relative complete system to protect fictional character by Trademark Law. 而美国对虚拟角色实行的著作权法保护,有一套相对完整的保护体系。
Fictional character is also called as art image of works. It usually refers to the character, animal and cartoon image which is created in literature, film, animation and other works. 虚拟角色也称作品中的艺术形象,通常是指文学、影视、动画、动漫等作品中塑造的人物、动物及卡通形象,也包括用语言变现的作品中的虚拟形象。
This part presents that the fictional character infringement cases will raise with the people pursuing more spiritual cultural products. So, we need to build and improve the legal system to protect fictional character. 该部分提出,随着人们对精神文化产品需求的增多,势必会导致虚拟角色侵权案件的攀升。因此,我们有必要构建并完善我国对虚拟角色保护的法律制度。
However, in practice, the improper use of the fictional character has caused a serious confusion in the market and broke the balance of interests between the fictional character owner and users. 但在实践中,商家对虚拟角色的不当利用,严重侵害了角色所有者的合法权利,导致所有者和使用者之间的利益失衡,造成了严重的市场混乱。
Through the highly self-conscious writing strategy, McEwan forces the reader to understand the constructed nature of the fictional character, and at the same time invites the reader to recall the subjectivity of the real world that we inhabit. 通过具有高度自我意识的元小说技巧,真实作家麦克尤恩迫使读者去理解小说人物被建构的性质,同时也是在邀请读者去回想我们生活在其中的真实世界的主观建构性。
So we can protect fictional character by learning practice of America to some extent. 因此,我国可以在一定程度上借鉴美国的保护机制来完善我国对虚拟角色的保护。
As far as works is concerned, fictional character is an edge question. 相对于作品本身而言,虚拟角色是个较为边缘化的概念。